Donate to Mat-Su Sentinel
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The Mat-Su Sentinel cannot exist without your financial support.
At the Mat-Su Sentinel, we serve as a watchdog in the Mat-Su, providing the community information you need and holding those in power accountable through the simple act of reporting the facts. Do you value this news service? Help us keep it going. Support Mat-Su Sentinel with a monthly or annual gift now.
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Donate to Mat-Su Sentinel and help local news thrive.
I'm Amy Bushatz, the reporter and editor behind the Sentinel. Because I live in the same community as you, I'm able to provide accurate, nuanced, on-the-ground reporting to help you understand the impact of elections, legislative actions, leadership changes, new laws and more.
When local news thrives, communities thrive. If you care about that, we invite you to support this cause.
How to support Mat-Su Sentinel
Mat-Su Sentinel accepts in-kind donations of goods and services, and most importantly, money.
Our nonprofit status is pending, and gifts made today may be tax-deductible later (consult your tax professional about this). Need your gift to be tax-deductible now? We are organized through a national news nonprofit that can accept tax-deductible donations today. Contact us for more information.
Donating to the Mat-Su Sentinel is easy. Here are a few options.
Become a supporter
A monthly or annual gift is the best way to support Mat-Su Sentinel. Become a supporting member now.
Make a one-time gift.
Click here to give through our one-time donation page (or in the form above).
(Plan to itemize your donation on your annual taxes? Contact us about ensuring your donation is tax deductible today while we await our nonprofit status)
Sponsor Mat-Su Sentinel
Support Mat-Su Sentinel by becoming a corporate sponsor! Corporate sponsors receive recognition throughout the website and in our newsletters. See more information about becoming a corporate sponsor now.
Mail a donation.
You can write a check and mail it in. The Mat-Su Sentinel operates under a fiscal sponsorship with The Tiny News Collective, a 501(c)(3) that supports small nonprofit news organizations like ours. They help us manage our funds and file our paperwork.
Checks should be made out to: Mat-Su Sentinel.
You can mail checks to:
Mat-Su Sentinel
2381 N. Broadway Dr.
Palmer, AK 99645
Please be sure to include your name, address, and email address somewhere on the check or envelope so that we can properly document your gift and confirm receipt.
Our nonprofit status is pending, which means your gift may be tax-deductible retroactively (please consult a tax professional!) Need your gift to be tax-deductible today? Contact us for options.