Connect to Mat-Su with the Sentinel's community winter bingo card
Engage with your neighbors and up your civic connection through this activity sheet.
Engage with your neighbors and up your civic connection through this activity sheet.
The trees pose a safety hazard and must be removed, officials said.
Early voting for elections in Houston, Wasilla and Palmer runs through Monday. Election Day is Tuesday.
The proposed displays would include the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta and four other documents.
The subtle yet significant changes impact candidate term lengths and partisan labeling.
The changes are designed to make serving on the council more attractive to future candidates, one city council member said.
The Mat-Su already has already switched to hand-counting its elections. But what would it look like statewide?
This text service delivers a selection of headlines straight to your phone each Friday morning.
To vote in the November election, you must register by Oct. 6.